New batches of PGDIA course starting from 25th November 2024

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Autonetics Certified Embedded System Designer

Duration: 1 Month



1. Simulation Software

  1. Introduction to Proteus (Installation)
  2. Tools and analysis
  3. Simulation
  4. Editing libraries

2. Arduino IDE

  1. Installation & Basic Information
  2. Driver Configuration
  3. Coding & uploading code

3. Getting started with LED blinking (digital o/p)

  1. Digital o/p interfacing

4. Digital input interfacing

  1. pull up/pull down concept
  2. Debounce
  3. Precautions and calculations

5. Introduction to serial communication

6. Digital sensors

  1. IR sensors
  2. Ultrasonic sensor

7. Analog sensors

  1. Calculations and configurations
  2. light dependent sensors
  3. positive temperature coefficient sensor
  4. negative temperature coefficient sensor

8. Temperature sensor

  1. LM34
  2. LM35
  3. DHT 11
  4. Flex sensor
  5. PIR sensor
  6. Moisture sensor

9. Serial Monitor

10. Serial Analog Read

  1. Analog to Digital converter

11. Analog write (PWM as DAC converter)

  1. Ac light dimmer.
  2. Dc light dimmer.
  3. Dc motor speed control
  4. Ac motor speed control
  5. servo motor speed control
  6. light intensity control using LDR & POT

12. Motor control

  1. using Transistor
  2. using IC
  3. relay

13. Serial communication (with overview of Bluetooth, GPS, GSM)

14. GLCD interfacing and custom characters

  1. seven segment display
  2. 16x2 display
  3. 16x4 display
  4. 20x4 display

15. GPS Interfacing

16. GSM Interfacing

  1. PC control automation

17. Wi-Fi Module Overview

18. Automatic Tunnel Lightning System

19. Automatic Temperature Control

20. 2 Axis Robot

21. 3 Axis Robot

22. Wireless System Control

23. Wireless Robot

24. Humanoid Robots

25. Mobile Controlled GSM Based System

26. Android Controlled System

27. Home Automation

28. Bluetooth Robot

Autonetics Training Center Nashik
  • Autonetics Training Center Nashik

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